Did you know that eating cheese, brie in particular, is a great way to help prevent cavities? It may seem unusual but brie is full of vitamins and minerals that promote oral health and strong teeth. It can even help eradicate tooth decay that is already in the process of forming! Dental Studies That Cheese […]
Posts in the Oral Health category:
Is Your Toothbrush BPA-Free?
There are plenty of toxic things in our environment, but did you know that some simple things, like certain toothbrushes, could be made from potentially harmful material too? Some toothbrushes on the market are made with BPA and could be adding toxins to your body. We’ve outlined what you need to know about BPA and […]
Over-the-Counter Drugs that Affect Your Teeth
All medications come with their share of side effects, and many of them can actually impact on your oral health. While certain prescription medications, such as the antibiotic tetracycline, have been well-noted for having the ability to cause enamel discoloration, many people don’t realize that some over-the-counter medications can also damage your teeth in surprising […]
How Migraines May Be Related to Dental Health
Did you know that migraines may be related to dental health? Headaches are never pleasant, and when they are the result of dental health issues, that problem can be compounded. The good news is there are solutions and answers that can resolve these issues. Headaches resulting from dental issues can be traced to a variety […]
Chia Fresca: A Healthy Beverage for Your Teeth & Whole Body
You may be wondering what a Chia Fresca is, or you may already know but are unsure of its health benefits. Well, there is much to learn about this new, widely popular beverage with numerous advantages to your health. What Is a Chia Fresca? A Chia Fresca is a refreshing lemonade-style drink that’s main ingredient is chia seeds. This […]
The Connection Between Cavities and Saliva
According to an article in The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, saliva is made up of 99% water with the other 1% containing a variety of electrolytes and proteins. The amount of saliva produced within a healthy mouth can range from 1 to 1.5 liters a day. More than just a moisturizer for the mouth, […]
What Happens When You Skip Your Semiannual Dental Cleaning
It’s recommended you visit the dentist every six months for a professional cleaning and a full dental exam, but it’s all too easy to let the months slip by without remembering to schedule an appointment. If you aren’t experiencing any acute dental problems, you might shrug off the importance of getting your teeth cleaned and […]
The Best Advice for Caring for Your Teeth
When it comes to taking care of your teeth, you may already know to brush your teeth and go to the dentist regularly, but optimal dental care goes beyond these basics. The more care you put into your oral health now, the better off your teeth will be in the future. Here’s some of the […]
3 Dos and Don’ts For Your Smile
If you want a healthy smile (and who among us doesn’t?) you can’t just sit back and wait for it to happen. Just like improving any aspect of your body, you have to work for it. Fortunately, some changes are relatively straightforward. To get a head start on keeping your pearly whites looking their best, […]
What Happens If You Don’t Brush Before Bed
Do you ever skip brushing your teeth before bed? Skipping brushing before bed leads to bacteria, acids, plaque build-up and other serious issues that will eventually lead to tooth decay. Kids are notorious for trying to skip their nightly brushing routine…but even responsible, conscious adults will skip brushing from time to time. It almost always […]