It’s recommended you visit the dentist every six months for a professional cleaning and a full dental exam, but it’s all too easy to let the months slip by without remembering to schedule an appointment. If you aren’t experiencing any acute dental problems, you might shrug off the importance of getting your teeth cleaned and […]
Posts in the General Dentistry category:
The Best Advice for Caring for Your Teeth
When it comes to taking care of your teeth, you may already know to brush your teeth and go to the dentist regularly, but optimal dental care goes beyond these basics. The more care you put into your oral health now, the better off your teeth will be in the future. Here’s some of the […]
How to Overcome Your Fear of the Dentist
Are you one of the millions of Americans who fear visiting the dentist? If so, you are not alone — studies have shown that up to 75 percent of adults have some fear of the dentist, while up to 10 percent have an overwhelming fear that can cause them to avoid dental care altogether. In […]
Why Do I Need Fluoride Treatment?
Vann Family Dental offers many treatments to help keep your whole mouth clean and healthy. One of the most common ways to keep teeth strong and prevent tooth decay is fluoride treatments. While using a fluoride rinse is common during a child’s regular teeth cleaning, many adults may not understand the importance of having a fluoride […]
Most Interesting Advances in Dental Care
The dental industry has made some truly amazing advances recently. As a result of the most interesting advances in dental care, there are more options available than ever before that you and your dentist can use to create a healthy and beautiful smile that you’ll be proud to show off. High-Tech X-Rays for Improved Dental […]
Paying for Dental Care After You Retire
Seeing a dentist is important at any age, and senior citizens are no exception. Unfortunately, since Medicare plans don’t cover most dental procedures, many seniors are left wondering how to pay for dental bills after they retire. If you’re one of a small number of retirees who has dental insurance with your retirement benefits, consider yourself […]
What Happens If You Don’t Brush Before Bed
Do you ever skip brushing your teeth before bed? Skipping brushing before bed leads to bacteria, acids, plaque build-up and other serious issues that will eventually lead to tooth decay. Kids are notorious for trying to skip their nightly brushing routine…but even responsible, conscious adults will skip brushing from time to time. It almost always […]
5 Questions to Ask Your Dentist
Dental appointments are an excellent opportunity to talk to your dentist about any questions or concerns you may have about your dental health or the best options for your dental care. Here are five things to ask your dentist at your next appointment: How is my overall oral health? While your dentist will of course let […]
Controlling Tooth Sensitivity is Easier Than You Think
While controlling the pain in our teeth and gums is rarely an at-home option, controlling tooth sensitivity is easier than you think. Before we share these helps, however, it’s important to note that these are “in the meanwhile” tips. Vann Family Dental takes great care in assessing each patient’s condition and dental history with incredible […]
Do You Have Bad Breath? Find Out If You Do & How to Treat It!
Bad breath is an embarrassing condition. Some people know they have it, but some people have bad breath and don’t know it because others are afraid to tell them. Having bad breath can affect your work relationships or even your personal relationships. People might not want to get too close to you in order to […]