Everyone needs New Year’s resolutions to improve their health and well-being at the beginning of the year. Maybe this year you want to eat more “clean” foods, or hit the gym more than before! These are great intentions, but sometimes dental and oral hygiene is forgotten when people make their New Year’s resolutions. So why not add some great tips to your list this year to make 2016 the year of better oral health? Here are our tips for making 2016 a healthier year for you and your family!
Oral Health Tips
You don’t have to be a mind reader to know that your dentist may want you to floss more. Everyone knows that flossing is crucial to good oral health. Some may argue that flossing is even more important than brushing, since it is the food particles that gets caught between teeth which breeds bacteria that causes gum disease.
We believe that if you start incorporating flossing into your daily routine, you will see a significant improvement in your oral health in no time. If you can start flossing daily, it may mean the difference between keeping your natural teeth or possibly losing them as you age. This is why we put flossing at the top of our list for your oral health resolution!
- Flossing daily is so important. Our number one tip for better oral health in 2016 is to start flossing every day at any time of day, but before bed is best.
- Avoid sugary foods! Bacteria in your mouth breaks down simple sugars and will erode tooth enamel, which is directly linked to tooth decay. Sticky candies and carbonated drinks should be avoided at all costs!
- Eat a balanced and healthy diet. A healthy diet will improve the health of your whole body, even your oral health. A diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables is vital to reducing internal inflammation that will lower the risk of gum disease.
- Set a timer when you brush your teeth. Are you sure you are brushing for a full two minutes? Electric tooth brushes have timers built into them so if you can’t bring yourself to take the extra step of setting a timer, then try getting an electric toothbrush that does the timing for you!
- Rinse your mouth after eating. If you can’t brush or floss your teeth after eating, then at the very least vigorously swish your mouth with water or an antibacterial rinse to wash away bacteria and increase saliva flow.
- If you smoke, now is the time to stop. Smoking can not only increase your risk of gum disease, which is irreversible, but it also increases your risk for oral cancer.
- Don’t put off dental emergencies! If you knock out or chip a tooth, get to the dentist ASAP! At Vann Family Dental, we take care of dental emergencies to make sure your teeth are saved.
It’s never too late to start practicing better oral hygiene. If you are young, then now is the time to establish good oral health habits. However, even if you have been slacking on flossing or brushing for most of your life, it is still not too late to improve your habits! Flossing and brushing, as well as our other tips from above, will make a significant improvement in not just your oral health, but the health of your whole body.
To find out more about how you can improve your oral health, schedule an appointment with Vann Family Dental today! We love taking care of the dental health of your whole family, and look forward to helping you and your family have a happier and healthier 2016!