Best Ways to Relax Your Jaw

illustration of girl holding jaw in pain saying help

Do you find that your jaws are often sore? Frequently clenching and grinding your teeth can cause your jaw to ache. We’ve put together some helpful tips for how you can relax your jaw:

Kneading Massage

With your fingers, rub your jaws in small, circular motions. Then open your mouth as wide as possible without it hurting and hold it like that for 10 seconds. Relax and repeat 10 more times.

Visualization Exercise

Sit down in a comfortable position. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. With your mouth closed, press your tongue against your palate (the roof of your mouth) and then relax. Clench your jaw and then relax. Pull your shoulders up to your ears and then relax. Scrunch your face like you have just eaten something sour and then relax. Lastly, lift up your shoulders, hold them there for a few seconds and then relax.


Open your mouth as wide as possible like you are yawning. When you inhale, tighten your shoulders and arms. When you exhale, relax completely. Repeat.

Heat & Cold Therapy

Heat therapy can help relax your jaw muscles and alleviate soreness. Get a moist heating paid or warm washcloth and place it under your chin or on the sides of your face. Cold therapy is great for alleviating serious pain. You can apply an ice pack for 5 to 10 minutes. Try alternating between the two therapies until you find relief.

Besides these exercises, there are some small things you can do to relax your jaw.

  • While your lips are closed, keep your teeth apart.
  • Press your tongue against the roof of your mouth rather than between your teeth.
  • Do not hold your phone between your shoulders and jaw.

If you can’t find relief for your jaw pain, our team is happy to bring you in so we can find you a personalized solution.

Vann Family Dental is here to help you!

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